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Hogan Safety Consulting offers occupational health and safety consulting services working with leadership and staff either proactively or reactively to create a workplace where what is valued, is protected.

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Policy, Procedure, & Program Development

Occupational Health and Safety Legislation across Canada requires employers to establish occupational health and safety policies and programs in accordance with the regulations.

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Education & Training

Similar to all provinces and territories, BC's Workers' Compensation Act requires employers to provide workers with the information, instruction, and training (as well as supervision) necessary to ensure the health and safety in carrying out their work.

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Respirator Fit Testing

BC's Occupational Health and Safety Regulation requires any person who is required to wear a tight fitting face piece during the course of their work or for emergency response is required to be fit tested to ensure an effective seal.

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Job Safety Analysis

As a general duty, Occupational Health and Safety legislation across Canada requires employers to ensure all workers are made aware of all known or reasonably foreseeable health or safety hazards to which they are likely to be exposed.  The best, proactive way to meet this requirement is with a thorough and documented Job Safety Analysis.

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Working Alone Planning

In BC and across Canada, there are additional requirements beyond identifying and controlling hazards when a worker works alone or in isolation.  Working alone or in isolation means to work in circumstances where assistance would not be readily available to the worker in case of an emergency, or is injured or in ill health.

Leadership Due Diligence Coaching

Investing in your leadership, managers and supervisors to ensure they understand and embrace the organization's commitment to the safety of its workforce is fundamental to success.  Leadership sets the tone and needs to carefully address concerns demonstrating to staff the values, competence and care the organization is committed to.

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Accident Investigation

Dealing with significant injury or accident is a very delicate and intense time for any organization and emotions may be running high.  During this period, many organizations benefit from bringing in an outside, objective investigator to meet the time-sensitive regulatory requirements (especially for incidents that are required to be reported to WorkSafeBC immediately) that must be executed with care as well as determining steps required to move forward safely.

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Violence Risk Assessment

BC's Occupational Health and Safety Regulation requires a risk assessment to be performed in any workplace where there is a risk of worker injury resulting from violence arising out of their employment.

The risk assessment must include the consideration of previous experience in the workplace, the occupational experience in similar workplaces, and the location and circumstances in which work will take place.

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Compliance Support

In BC, the Workers' Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation is enforced by WorkSafeBC Prevention Officers to ensure workplaces are in compliance. During an inspection, an Officer will ask to be shown around your worksite and may ask to see documents or have equipment put into operation. In the event that your workplace is found to be in non-compliance with the regulation and related policies, the prevention officer can issue Orders.

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